Gioco veramente bello. Nulla di particolarmente innovativo, ma meccaniche ben oliate tra di loro. Stretto al punto giusto e di durata non eccessiva. Rimane la voglia di rigiocarlo. Ci sono vari modi di arrivare alla vittoria. Sicuramente aiuta conoscere un po i poteri delle carte, quindi qualche partita di rodaggio serve. Io sono già alla quinta partita. Sicuramente da provare, ma credo che gli amanti dei german possano trovare in questo gioco grossa soddisfazione.
In Lorenzo il Magnifico, each player takes the role of a head of a noble family in a city during the Italian renaissance. You try to accumulate prestige and fame to gain more victory points (VP) than the others. To do so, you send your family members to different areas of town, where they can obtain many achievements. In one location they get useful resources, in another development cards (which represent newly conquered territories, sponsored buildings, influenced characters, or encouraged ventures), somewhere else they activate the effects of their cards.
Family members are not identical. At the beginning of each round, you roll three dice to determine the family members' value. You must carefully choose where to send your family members with a higher value...
You can gain VP several ways, and you must also pay attention to your relations with the Church. The game is divided into three periods, each formed by two rounds; at the end of each period, players must show their faith, and whoever hasn't prayed enough will suffer hard penalties.
After six rounds, you calculate your final scoring, and the player with the most VP wins.
- Lorenzo il Magnifico
- Lorenzo der Prächtige
- Lorenzo le Magnifique
- Лоренцо Великолепный
- ロレンツォ・イル・マニーフィコ
- 卓越的洛伦佐合集版
- 輝煌的羅倫佐
- 위대한 로렌초