Can a player use the Millennium Falcon's action if they are unable to put a unit into play?
I just got done emailing Nate about this issue - I hadn't seen it here before I contacted him. Anyway, here is the clarification regarding the Falcon:
ME: For the Falcon, you can choose to initiate the ability by paying the cost to return the Falcon to your hand. If you do not have the Character or Droid to put into play, do you put the Falcon back, or is it considered "stuck" in your hand?
NATE: The Falcon stays in your hand -- the cost is still paid in full, but since you have nothing to put into play the effect fails to resolve. There is nothing that puts the Falcon back into play.
ME: So I could choose to pull in my Falcon (say, that it is very low on health) using its ability, knowing full well that I have no Character or Droid to replace it with and simply tell my opponent that I am unable to resolve the effect. The net result is that the Falcon stays in my hand, free to play in a subsequent Deployment phase. Correct?
NATE: Correct. As it's a non-targeting effect, there is no restriction on being able to initiate it. So you can return it to your hand by using its effect, even if you have no Droid or Character. (If you do have a Droid or Character, you are obligated to put the card into play.)
Questa è la risposta ufficiale di Nate French ad una esplicita domanda posta attraverso
Quindi, il Falcon PUO' essere ripreso in mano anche se non si hanno carte nella mano.
Eravamo nel giusto... perfettamente in linea con quanto stabilito nelle FAQ per Tribal Support (che ha un effetto non-target similare).