Comunque per la cronaca hanno scritto questo nell'ultimo update del 10 giugno:
Transposing the languages into printable PDFs has proven to be incredibly time-consuming. With a game as large as Middara, it is a full-time job on it's own. In addition to this, a professional translation will cost more than we are able to afford at the moment. All of our resources went into producing and delivering the game.
This is not to say that we're giving up, quite the opposite. We are simply struggling to find the time between Brooklynn and I to handle the workload involved. We are still actively working on the translations that we promised but we will be needing to recruit some new help to take some of the weight off of our shoulders. Thank you for you patience regarding this.
In the meantime while we slowly but surely transpose everything to printable PDFs, we wanted to give you all access to the incredible work that our volunteer translators have completed. Their dedication has been second to none and we salute them. We feel that those of you looking for translated cards and books of Middara will find these very useful.
Di soldi ne stanno entrando parecchi, spero che ne facciano più del previsto in modo da portare a termine anche la traduzione. Poi sarà una possibilità remota, ma di certo una faq di 2 righe non può e non deve bloccarci dal richiedere ciò che hanno + volte promesso e non mantenuto.