Ciao ragazzi,
faccio un filino di necroposting, per liberare la mia coscienza tentando
di infettare allo stesso tempo la vostra con un acquisto altamente consigliato per chi,
come me, al tempo lo aveva a malincuore saltato causa campagne "toste" in
contemporanea (S&S e Gloomhaven in primis)...
...è disponibile il late pledge KS + SG per un numero di copie limitate, a questo
indirizzo in calce per circa 65€ spedito da UK (quindi stiamo parlando di una 50ina
di euro per il gioco pieno di carte, token in legno e cartone, più i soliti standee
trasparenti, il tutto in un bel box con finitura traslucida e manuale in carta spessa): ... s-now.html
dal lato invece della particolarità del gioco, vi riporto un estratto da BGG dell'autore
e qualche foto (i migliori artwork dark fantasy che abbia mai visto in tale quantità!).
" This game has been in development for a long time and has undergone so many permutations in the last six years that I’ve literally ripped it up and started again numerous times. From board game, to miniatures game, to proto-RPG I’ve finally settled on a format I hope will be cost effective and elegant: the card game.
Gloom of Kilforth sees 1-4 players taking a humble adventurer on a journey through a dark world of magic and peril and following their tale from modest beginnings through an epic story to an exciting climactic battle for the fate of the world.
Drawing inspiration from titles we’ve already seen like combat-heavy tactical dungeon crawls (Descent, D&D, etc.), condensed overland adventures concerned either with combat (Runebound) or random encounters (Talisman), games that stretch into story-telling (Tales of the Arabian Nights), cooperative games against insurmountable odds (Arkham Horror, Defenders of the Realm), and tactical adventure card games (Lord of the Rings: The Card Game), I’ve always been looking to design a game that distils the heroic story telling of an in-depth role playing game down into an amount of time that’s playable in an evening. It’s something that many of us crave as we get older and have kids and relationships and jobs and so on which preclude us from throwing all that time away on months of role-playing games.
So whilst I wanted to include all the high fantasy stuff that many of us love, and which in many ways mostly stems from Tolkien’s work, I also tried to develop new techniques of weaving them together to create story-based gameplay.
The two key drivers for the game are the Saga Chapters and Night card decks. The Sagas represent the tales that the heroes will tell as they progress on their journey to fame and fortune, whilst the Night cards are global events that can affect everyone in the Kingdom.
Il gioco arriverà mese prossimo, attualmente è in stampa, goblin avvisato...
...mezzo inscimmiato! :alcolico: