Giocato come estensione del GiRSA, alla fine aggiunge tante regole, ma forse poca profondità in più.
4th Edition Core Manual (RMFRP)
From the back cover:
Prepare yourself! You are about to begin your journey toward the ultimate fantasy role playing adventure! We know you have great stories to tell and fascinating characters to play. So do your fantasy justice and use the most flexible rules around: Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing.
Why have your grand tales limited by the rules you use? Choose the system which tells your story your way. Rolemaster has been the system of choice for GMs and players for almost 20 years. They choose Rolemaster because it gives them exactly what they need for their role playing adventures. You too can now join the enlightened.
Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing is easier than ever to understand and all you need to play the game - combat, character creation, and spell casting - can be found in the pages of this one book! Other supplements can be purchased to add as much detail or flavor as you prefer, but all the required rules are here.
Rolemaster is back and better than ever!
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Creazione dei personaggi troppo lunga/macchinosa,
tabelle, tabelle, tabelle, tabelle, tabelle, tabelle
combattimenti che possono essere infiniti e richiedere un book keeping estenuante
book keeping estenuante anche per i punti esperienza.
Inoltre, non ritengo il realismo un pregio a tutti i costi.
Da dimenticare, come gli anni 80
Le regole sono solo un paravento dietro al quale nascondere le decisioni di un master-intrattenitore, sono evidentemente poco playtestate e richiedono un grosso sforzo di sincornizzazione da parte del gruppo per poter portare da qualche parte. Più che dare un voto al gioco si dovrebbe dare un voto al master.
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