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Golden Amber fills the deep mines, it's fiery, cold embers glowing in the ancient rocks. Scholars say that the Arzians valued it above gold or silver, and wore it as a sign of wealth. Perhaps the rare substance holds forgotten secrets about the long-dead empire and their lust for power? Near and Far: Amber Mines is the first expansion to Near and Far. It includes modules that you can add or remove according to your preferences. The modules are detailed below. Amber Mines This module includes a new Mine tile which you place over the top of the Mine on the town board. It also includes a deck of 43 Amber Mine cards that players can explore. Magic This module includes a new Mystic’s Hut tile (that is combined with the new Mine), a Magic Track tile, and a deck of 30 Spell cards with powerful abilities. New General Store This module includes a new General Store tile which you place over the top of the General Store on the town board. It has slightly altered actions and gives players another way to place camps. New Threat Cards This module includes 13 new threat cards. These cards replace the original deck of threat cards in Near and Far. —description from the publisher
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