In passato avrei dato un punto in più sul voto ma dopo diverse partite devo ammettere che ho sentito un po' di deja vù.
Rimane comunque un bellissimo gioco con una ambientazione che adoro
Hammer of the Scots brings the rebellion of the Braveheart, William Wallace, to life. As the English player, you seek to pacify Scotland by controlling all the important noble lords. The Scottish player also seeks the allegiance of nobles to support a difficult struggle for freedom. Hammer of the Scots will give you many hours of entertainment and insight into this fascinating period in history.
Map board: Full-color (22" x 25") mapboard of Scotland and Northern England with heraldry of the important noble families.
Wooden Blocks (24mm): 56 Hardwood counters including leaders, nobles, archers, knights, and infantry.
25 Event Cards
Detailed Game Rules
Two Scenarios: A campaign game plus two scenarios: Braveheart and The Bruce.
Playable History: Hammer of the Scots is a very playable game. The rulebook is 8 pages. Games last from 2-4 hours.
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