![Ritratto di verdenex Ritratto di verdenex](https://www.goblins.net/files/styles/thumbnail/public/avatars/picture-19369-1544635665.png?itok=5Y51c75a)
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You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive... In Coup, you want to be the last player with influence in the game, with influence being represented by face-down character cards in your playing area. Each player starts the game with two coins and two influence – i.e., two face-down character cards; the fifteen card deck consists of three copies of five different characters, each with a unique set of powers: Duke: Take three coins from the treasury. Block someone from taking foreign aid. Assassin: Pay three coins and try to assassinate another player's character. Contessa: Block an assassination attempt against yourself. Captain: Take two coins from another player, or block someone from stealing coins from you. Ambassador: Draw two character cards from the Court (the deck), choose which (if any) to exchange with your face-down characters, then return two. Block someone from stealing coins from you. On your turn, you can take any of the actions listed above, regardless of which characters you actually have in front of you, or you can take one of three other actions: Income: Take one coin from the treasury. Foreign aid: Take two coins from the treasury. Coup: Pay seven coins and launch a coup against an opponent, forcing that player to lose an influence. (If you have ten coins or more, you must take this action.) When you take one of the character actions – whether actively on your turn, or defensively in response to someone else's action – that character's action automatically succeeds unless an opponent challenges you. In this case, if you can't (or don't) reveal the appropriate character, you lose an influence, turning one of your characters face-up. Face-up characters cannot be used, and if both of your characters are face-up, you're out of the game. If you do have the character in question and choose to reveal it, the opponent loses an influence, then you shuffle that character into the deck and draw a new one, perhaps getting the same character again and perhaps not. The last player to still have influence – that is, a face-down character – wins the game! A new & optional character called the Inquisitor has been added (currently, the only English edition with the Inquisitor included is the Kickstarter Version from Indie Boards & Cards. Copies in stores may not be the Kickstarter versions and may only be the base game). The Inquisitor character cards may be used to replace the Ambassador cards. Inquisitor: Draw one character card from the Court deck and choose whether or not to exchange it with one of your face-down characters. OR Force an opponent to show you one of their character cards (their choice which). If you wish it, you may then force them to draw a new card from the Court deck. They then shuffle the old card into the Court deck. Block someone from stealing coins from you.
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Coup, per certi versi, sembra una versione "liofilizzata e ad alta digeribilità" rispetto a The Resistance: Avalon.
Chi ama quest'ultimo titolo non può non provare Coup, nel quale - in una sorta di Corte d'altri tempi riletta in chiave pseudo-futuristica - i giocatori si troveranno in un clima di costante diffidenza e continui bluff, per un gioco ad interazione diretta altissima capace - con poco - di produrre ore di divertimento sfrenato.
Ha il pregio di non richiedere un numero alto di giocatori come The Resistance: Avalon, ma devo dire che - nello spiegare le regole - talvolta può non essere semplice far comprendere ad un neofita la meccanica di sfida e di blocco+sfida, che in fondo è più difficile da spiegare che da vedere poi in gioco.
Nel complesso è un piccolo gioiellino, espandibile con l'espansione Reformation, che tuttavia non appare imprescindibile.
Da provare se si amano i giochi dove si parla molto al tavolo, può essere giocato anche da neofiti e da persone che non si sono mai viste in faccia prima di prendere parte ai giochi...
Giochillo di bluff molto rapido e divertente. Nonostante l'eliminazione giocatore presente, le partite sono talmente rapide da non considerarlo un difetto (eccessivo). Esistono varie edizioni in commercio e personalmente ritengo quella brasiliana la migliore, come qualità delle carte e artwork. Compratela!
Ho acquistato l'edizione della indie board and cards su kickstarter, ambientata nell'ambiente futuristico di the resistance. L'edizione ha carte supplementari per giocare fino a 10 e una variante per sostituire l'ambasciatore (con un inquisitore).
Il gioco è facile da spiegare e veloce, la grafica è bellissima, e piace a tutti.
Gioco da 7 ma 2 punti in più grazie al lavoro fatto dalla Indie su questa nuova edizione.
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