Altre informazioni da ManVsMeeple per chi non ha tempo di spulciare i commenti:
Per our early look at the game, below are some of the multitude of changes versus TA and basic Thunderstone. As always, these rules MAY change as AEG is still tweaking as all Publishers do during the Kickstarter process.
1. Monsters are now defeated and no longer placed in players decks.
2. Monsters deal wounds - every two wounds = one less card in players hands each turn (max. 6).
3. You now buy equipment tokens in villages for one time effects (i.e. Torch, Rations, etc). No longer are cards.
4. You can heal wounds in the village.
5. You may only level up 1 of your heroes in the village per turn.
6. The monsters now occupy dungeon tiles which provide additional unique challenges and rewards on top of the monster stats themselves.
7. Players navigate the dungeon using light (light is no longer used to avoid attack penalties).
8. After a player fails to defeat a monster, neither the player nor the monster leave the dungeon tile.
9. Each dungeon level is occupied with monsters of a specific level (1, 2 or 3).
10. Heroes may equip multiple weapons up to their skill value (used to be called Strength).
11. Some monsters drop treasure which goes on your discard pile to be used in future turns (ie. epic weapons, armor - even old adventurers from the original Thunderstone may show up)
12. Players can complete Adventures for various rewards (i.e. Objectives).
13. At end of the game, all XP is worth VP.
14. Players can no longer rest (to remove cards from deck) - culling is done in different ways possibly (there are over 1000 cards - we saw just a fraction of them).
15. Many abilities (including all monster abilities) are worded to make it clear when to use them, rather than prefixing with Battle, Aftermath, Global, Trophy, Raid, Stalk, Breach, and React. The only explicit types of abilities now are Village, Dungeon, and Spoils.
16. There is no longer a restriction about using an ability to destroy another card whose ability has already been used this turn.
17. There are Guild Sponsors which now provide quests at the start of the game.
This is just a few of the many, many changes that were made. Others we mentioned in our Video. We have NOT played the Quest portion of the game but CAN NOT WAIT to try it. I will not lie, I am a huge Thunderstone fan and have been since it's release in 2009. Man Vs Meeple was not paid in any way, shape or form to do the First Look video. We did it because I love the IP and am a gamer just like all of you!