[KS CHIUSO] The Terminator


1 anno con i Goblins! Osservatore 5 anni con i Goblins! 10 anni con i Goblins! 15 anni con i goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
19 Settembre 2007
con la mail di oggi direi che al 90% possiamo dire addio al progetto, ed ai soldi...

Dear Kickstarter Backers,
I’m writing to you today to announce something that truly has me energized. I’m announcing something that has been in the works for a very long time. Since I launched Space Goat Productions in 2006, it has always been my intent to build a creative, nimble company capable of bringing to life the coolest comic books, games, and--someday soon--the coolest TV shows and films we could possibly dream up. In 2016, with our expansion into games and with our first two Kickstarter campaigns, each and every one of you helped get us a heck of a lot closer a heck of a lot faster than we could ever dream. For that, I am forever in your debt.
However, even with the massive successes of both our Evil Dead and Terminator campaigns, the financial side of our business has not been easy. There have been cost overruns, personnel changes, increased tax liability, and generally more growing pains than I ever imagined possible. If a small but growing company could be faced with a problem, that problem was thrown in our face over the last 20 months. But the biggest hurdle of them all is the simple fact that we had built all our financial projections on backers and retailers getting both the Evil Dead and Terminator games in 2017--and we had planned to have a third board game Kickstarted and in manufacturing by now. Without the revenue coming in from those three major projects, working capital has simply gotten very, very tight.
Here at Space Goat, we handle problems of all shapes and sizes head on. That leads me back to my announcement: On Tuesday, May 1st, roughly around noon PST, we will be launching an equity crowdfunding campaign on Wefunder.com. We have been working for over six months with Wefunder and the SEC to put together the best plan possible to offer each and every one of you an equity opportunity in our little company. Something that would make Space Goat a company that is truly of, for, and by fans. I’m generally pretty passionate and excited about the things we do at Space Goat--but this has me truly pumped. Thanks to Regulation Crowdfunding, backers like you can now LITERALLY own a piece of our company so we can all continue to make cool stuff together.
On Tuesday, any of you who may be interested can pop on over to wefunder.com/spacegoat to participate in an equity fundraiser for working capital. We are giving you, our backers, a 24-hour sneak peek at this offer so those of you who may be interested can pick up an Early Bird Perk only available to those that buy in up to the first $100,000.00. If you grab the Early Bird, you will be allowed to purchase equity in our company at a 20% discount off our $5 million valuation. That is a tremendous discount--and the best deal we could put together for you all that was SEC compliant and that didn’t involve a third-party broker. The great part is that you can buy in for as little as $100.00--but we think some of you will like some of the higher end perks as well!
Not Really a Legally Binding Document
It was our original plan to offer any backer who invested a matching gift of equity, thereby instantly doubling your investment. That’s how much your support means to us. However that isn’t currently allowed directly through Wefunder for compliance reasons. We are working with our lawyer and CPA to see if there is a third-party workaround to this, but for the time being the significant discount for Early Birds is the best offer we can put together with how the SEC currently regulates campaigns like this. If we can make this happen--and we are trying--it will happen.
You can click through to the preview page now to see the fruits of our 12-year labor, check out our SEC Form C Disclosure and Operating Agreement, “follow” us for updates, etc, etc. The page is about 98% done and will help you understand what we’ve been up to behind the scenes in addition to the hard work we’ve been doing getting these games and books off to you all. It’s important to point out that this is not a public announcement and has only been sent to you. Please do not share or discuss publicly until the page goes live. This offer is the least we could do at this time considering the patience you have all shown while waiting for your games and books.
The campaign runs for 45 days. We welcome questions, but please ask those questions on the Wefunder page in order to help our small staff keep things as organized as possible. I hope to see some familiar faces over there in the days to come. Let’s make cool stuff together!
Shon C. Bury
Founder & CEO


Osservatore Spendaccione! 1 anno con i Goblins! 5 anni con i Goblins! 10 anni con i Goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
12 Gennaio 2014
Dungeons & Dragons
Scimmia onnipresente
Viaggi nella Terra di Mezzo
Boba sempre con noi
Twilight Imperium
I love Kickstarter
Io gioco col Nero!
Utente Bgg
Si ho letto anch'io... ma porc ed ora????


1 anno con i Goblins! Osservatore 5 anni con i Goblins! 10 anni con i Goblins! 15 anni con i goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
19 Settembre 2007
E ora c'è solo da sperare. E prenderlo come monito per il futuro, e come esempio per chi scassa i maroon 5, quando uno si rivende un ks a prezzo maggiorato senza capire i rischi che ci sono dietro

Inviato dal mio SM-N910F utilizzando Tapatalk


Grande Goblin
20 anni con i Goblins! Osservatore 5 anni con i Goblins! 10 anni con i Goblins! 15 anni con i goblins! 1 anno con i Goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
19 Agosto 2004
Sito Web
Utente Bgg

Si è mosso qualcuno per un'azione legale in Europa?


1 anno con i Goblins! Osservatore 5 anni con i Goblins! 10 anni con i Goblins! 15 anni con i goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
19 Settembre 2007
Stef":1aouvxq2 ha scritto:

Si è mosso qualcuno per un'azione legale in Europa?

no perchè non hanno dett che non possono consegnare, nè tanomeno sono scomparsi.

solo che se chiedi altri soldi, uno fa 2 + 2 e se lo immagina ch è tutto fermo..


Gran Maestro
1 anno con i Goblins! Necroposting 5 anni con i Goblins! 10 anni con i Goblins! First reaction SHOCK!
7 Marzo 2013
Milano - Cologno Monzese
Utente Bgg
Stef":3k5nqdan ha scritto:

Si è mosso qualcuno per un'azione legale in Europa?

Non è il mio campo, ma dubito che abbia senso a meno che non si riesca a dimostrare che c'è stato volontà di inganno dietro. Il KS è sempre un rischio, e chi lo conduce può fare scelte sbagliate e non esser in grado di consegnare quanto stabilito.

Certo che... se ho ben capito, stanno tentando di vendere delle quote della società per riuscire ad avere la liquidità necessaria per finire i progetti. Mi sembra davvero utopia, anche perché una volta che vendi le quote loro non hanno entrate dai ricavi, per cui una volta consegnato il kickstarter tanto vale che chiudono e aprono come una nuova società senza dover condividere i ricavi con altri... In pratica a me pare semplicemente un ultimo tentativo disperato di aver liquidità per dare almeno qualcosa ai backers, il tutto sulle spalle di qualche "volontario".

Comunque mi sembra che ultimamente i problemi di kickstarter falliti stanno aumentando molto. Una volta sopratutto il settore board game era solido da questo punto di vista, si vede che la concorrenza spinge a metter prezzi molto bassi durante le campagne e poi chi non è bravo non riesce a starci dentro con le spese...
Alto Basso