simpatico gioco gestionale, ormai datato.
In the harbor a fleet of commerce ships is waiting to be loaded with goods. Each vessel needs a certain combination of goods. The players take the roles of traders, trying to fill their warehouses with goods which are then in turn transferred to the ships in the harbor. They have to pay attention to the right combination of goods because the captains only accept the goods from a single trader and expect a complete delivery before their ships leave the harbor. It is also very important to not let the right moment to transfer goods to the vessels pass, because the fleet will leave the harbor when the storage space is full and the winds are helpful. The players always have to be before the wind to actively influence the events.
120 action cards
60 goods cards
60 Guilders cards
46 ship cards
4 warehouses
1 starting player token
1 rules booklet
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Gioco di carte, con meccaniche un po' ripetitive. Le dimensioni delle carte sono un po' troppo piccole e la plancia/magazzino di gioco è semi inutile. Come meccaniche il gioco gira abbastanza ma personalmente non l'ho trovato molto coinvolgente risultando noioso e poco divertente. - [Autore del commento: ottobre31]
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