This is a promotional item for War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-earth.
It contains a Treebeard miniature + card and was available at Essen 2012.
If Gandalf the White is in play and a Companion is in Fangorn, you may use a Muster Action Die result to play Treebeard in Fangorn.
- War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-earth – Treebeard Mini-Expansion
- Guerra del Anillo: Señores de la Tierra Media – Miniexpansión Bárbol
- La Guerra dell'Anello: I Signori della Terra di Mezzo – Barbalbero
- Guerra do Anel: Senhores da Terra-Média – Barbárvore Mini Expansão
- La Guerre de l'Anneau: Seigneurs de la Terre du Milieu – Mini-extension Sylvebarbe
- Der Ringkrieg: Die Herren von Mittelerde Baumbart Promo-Mini-Erweiterung
- Válka o prsten: Páni Středozemě – Stromovous minirozšíření
- Wojna o Pierścień: Panowie Śródziemia – Drzewiec promocyjny minidodatek
- Война кольца: Владыки Средиземья – Мини-дополнение "Древобород"