Il gioco punta tutto su tema e ambientazione, ma risulta freddo e poco evocativo. Le azioni sono piuttosto banali e come meccaniche non presenta nulla di interessante.
Humanity is dying, and there's no escaping it. Only a few hours remain before human existence wanes forever. The cause is still unknown, and no matter how you struggle, your life will soon come to an end. With only few hours until your departure, what are you going to do? A whirlwind of emotions rushes through you, and a glimpse of self-awareness blossoms. Will you be able to discover who you really are before The End? So Long, My World is a psychologial horror card game for 1-5 players, with a unique art style and immersive, emotive theme. It is the first board game that asks the players to think about their own death and its implications through a dreamlike, procedural narrative. So Long, My World is the first board game that brings philosophy to the table. In particular, it is based on existentialism, structuralism and psychoanalysis. In Solo Mode, the player must fight against the cognitive disruption that is affecting every human being, trying to unlock Vision cards (memories and thoughts of people and places you may visit before the End) and prevent them from disappearing forever. Each turn, a previously unlocked Vision may become locked again. Each scenario has a specific setup with different sets of cards, conditions, and different endings. The more endings you achieve, the more Words (archetypical signifiers of human consciousness) you will discover, unlocking new powers and scenarios. In multiplayer, you choose amongst Vision cards in order to gather Feelings (in the form of tokens) and use them to discover your true self by playing Remnant cards from your hand. Remnant Cards can change a person's heart or alter the perception of time, so use them wisely to hinder, or even help your opponents. Is morality universal or a mere construct? If nobody can remember of you, has life a purpose? If soul has its place inside of my body, does it means that the soul is a physical being? These are only a few of the many questions the players will face.
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