Gioco di velocità carino.
Grafica non molto appagante ma funzionale al gioco.
Si vince facile contro i daltonici.
Everybody plays simultaneously in the rapid reaction game Nimble. Rush through the six classics of world literature. Alice, Moby-Dick and Co. were seldom as exciting! Nimble is a fast color-recognition reaction game which is played simultaneously. Each player has a deck of 30 cards and the first one to get rid of them all, wins the game. There are six colors in the game. Each card displays two of those colors: a colored frame surrounding a differently-colored circle in the center of the card. As part of the setup three cards are placed in the middle of the table face-up. If the frame color of your card matches the circle color of one of the cards in the middle of the table, you can place your card on top of it. Sounds easy, right? Wait until you try out yourself! The colors used in Nimble were selected in a way that the vast majority of the people with color vision deficiencies can distinguish the colors. If you are affected by any type of color vision deficiency, you can easily check if the colors work for you by looking at the six differently colored tiles on the box making up the title of the game. Each color represents a piece of classical world literature: Around the World in Eighty Days, Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, Don Quixote, War of the Worlds and Moby-Dick. The artwork on the cards is rich and detailed without it being distracting during the fast gameplay. So, it really pays off to take a break between the matches and marvel at the art.
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