Odio assolutamente il genere ma c'è sempre gente che mi propone queste cose :D Mezzo voto in più della suff solo per il tema felino
In Nekojima, “The Island of Cats” in Japan, an electricity network is developing to supply the various lively districts of the island. The installation of electric poles becomes more complex due to the narrowness of the territory and its curious population of cats strolling on the cables. Nekojima is a wooden game of skill and dexterity in which you will have to keep an entire installation in balance. Players must take turns placing or stacking Denchuu 電柱 (Electrical Poles) respecting the locations without any hanging cables touching. But be careful not to be the one to bring down the structure. This game requires reflection, concentration and skill. In competition, the player who knocks down the structure loses. In cooperation, the goal is to go as far as possible. AWARDS & HONORS 2022 - 1st prize Alchimie in Toulouse 2022 - 1st prize Pari Ludique in Paris 2022 - Special Jury Prize at the FLIP in Parthenay —description from the publisher
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