Knowledge? is a co-operative quiz game in which you don't need to know anything...although it could be quite helpful if you do! In this game, each round you use the quiz cards to move both your team marker and the five opponent markers; the opponents are labeled A-E, with each letter being a different color. On the circular track, each of these colored letters appears three times. Ideally you circle the track twice before any opponent completes one-and-a-half laps. At the start of each round, draw six cards and place them in a stack without looking through them. Each card features a fact or bit of trivia, e.g. "The first letter of Otto Waalkes' birthplace" (a German celebrity), with the answer type being either letters (A-E), numbers (1-5), or colors (the five in the game). Read the first card, then assign it to either your team marker or one of the opponent markers; flip the card over, then if the answer is a letter/color, move the matching marker to the next letter/color that matches the answer and if the answer is a number, move the matching marker that many spaces. Opponent markers can be stacked. If an opponent would land on the team marker, place it on the next space. Next, do the same for the second card, assigning it to a marker that doesn't yet have a card. Continue through all six cards, with the sixth card being assigned to whichever marker doesn't yet have a card, then clear all six cards and draw six new cards to start the next round. When an opponent marker passes the goal line, flip it to show the checkered flag on the opposite side. At the end of a round, if any marker has reached or passed the goal line for a second time, the game ends. If the team marker is farther past the goal line than all opponent markers, the team wins; otherwise they lose.
- Knowledge?