Once upon a time there was a marvelous forest full of gorgeous fruits. These fruits could be squeezed and mixed into the most delicious juices... You live in this forest and are in search of the most savory fruits. Friendly forest dwellers will help you in different ways... You are greedy and thirsty. Who will be the first to satisfy their appetite for Fabled Fruit? Fabled Fruit is a Fable game, a new and unique concept in game experiences, where the gameplay changes over time. The game starts in an initial, simple state, but as you explore deeper into the game system, the mechanisms and gameplay will evolve over time. You play the game many times, and each play changes the game slightly. Unlike in a Legacy game, however, the game is never permanently changed. At any time you may easily restart a Fable game from the beginning, either after you have run through the entire game system, or at any time during the many plays you will get from this game system. This Fable Game will remain just as playable on the 20th play as it was on the first plays of the game. Fabled Fruit FAQ
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Presentato come un "legacy di carte rigiocabile per famiglie", magari l'etichetta è un po' troppo altisonante per questo family, però l'idea per me è interessante e per quel target pure ben fatto.
se acquistato in italiano, recuperare le errata perché la traduzione ha un bel po di refusi purtroppo
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