Buona aggiunta che varia il base introducendo personaggi diversi.
Paladins & Dragons is the first expansion in the Dungeon Twister series of games. For 2 players, this set brings you new characters, items and rooms. All rules from Dungeon Twister are still applicable when you play the expansion. A rulebook is included that describes the new content of the expansion.
The extension allows each player to innovate and to catch his opponent off guard by building a different team each time. Also, the 8 new rooms can now be chosen secretly by the players so that you know only 4 of the 8 rooms that you will encounter in the dungeon. You´ll have to build a fully polyvalent team to be able to survive the new surprises your opponent has in store for you.
New characters include:
The paladin : Can transport 2 items. Can use also the Dragon Slayer sword and the fire protection shield.
The Red Dragon : a strength 6 terror that just make ashes of you ! But he's too heavy to move and will bring 2 VP to the hero that kills him.
The Ghost : He cannot transport anything but can go through all terrain elements.
The Illusionist : He can create illusions of traps or boulder collapse to block his opponent or protect himself.
The Weapon Master : He's a high level fighter very competent with all weapons. He has such experience that most of the time, he can predict the movements and attacks of his opponents.
The golem : He's as slow as the troll, as strong as the troll but he cannot regenerate. However, he can smash down 3 walls during the game.
The Elf Scout : He's the fastest character with his movement of 7 and his ability to jump over pits. His strength 1 is a real weakness though.
The Pickpocket : He's specialized in stealing items from his opponent.
New Items include: The teleportation ring, the charm scroll, the fire protection shield,the key, the rope, the dragon slayer sword, etc.
New rooms include: The Fountain of Youth, the cliffs, the pentacle room, etc.
Dungeon Twister
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Questa secondo me e' l'espansione piu' debole del gioco, aggiunge qualche antagonista naturale ai personaggi base e i primi nuovi ostacoli della serie (ai suoi tempi era buona ma confrontata alle espansioni seguenti non e' niente di che), offre comunque uno dei personaggi migliori della serie, il mitico Golem!
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