Forse il più cinematografico e suggestivo titolo mai fatto dall GW, questo Dreadfleet paga il prezzo d'essere uscito al tempo dell'ottava edizione del fantasy, una delle più inutilmente cavillose sul piano delle regole, e presenta un'alea forse eccessiva persino per le produzioni targate Warhammer. Eppure l'ambientazione che emerge focosa da ogni carta e da ogni tiro di dado, incorniciate da una componentistica lussuosa di navi iper-dettagliate e scogli pieni di teschi, creano sempre battaglie navali molto avventurose. Ecco, forse qui il buon Phil Kelly ha esagerato un po' con l'avventura, e certamente chi vorrà una sfida più equilibrata ne rimarrà deluso, resta il fatto che dopo un po' di rodaggio il sistema di movimento nautico e gli ordini tattici danno soddisfazione e nel segmento dei giochi di guerra 1v1 avventurosi questo è un caposaldo.
Game description from the publisher:
For two bleak decades the Undead reavers of Count Noctilus have plagued the oceans of the world. After each raid, the Dreadfleet disappears into its lair as quickly and silently as it appeared, far from the reach of Man. And yet there remains hope. Captain Jaego Roth of the Heldenhammer has vowed to hunt down and destroy Count Noctilus and his Undead captains once and for all. With him sail the most notorious and cunning of the pirate lords of Sartosa, each borne to battle upon a giant warship bristling with cannons, organ guns and bolt throwers. At the stroke of midnight on Geheimnisnacht, most forsaken of nights, the Heldenhammer and her companions sail into the realm of undeath known as the Galleon's Graveyard. One by one, Count Noctilus and his vile allies move in to stop them.
Dreadfleet is a boxed game for two (or more) players that includes everything you need to make war on the turbulent seas of the Warhammer world. At your command are two fleets of ships: the Dreadfleet led by the Vampire Count Noctilus, aboard his gargantuan sea-hulk the Bloody Reaver; and the Grand Alliance commanded by the Pirate Captain Jaego Roth, who recently stole the Heldenhammer – the pride of the Imperial Fleet, and one of the largest galleons to ever sail the high seas.
As your ships engage in furious battle, it's down to you, the fleet captain, to make important split-second decisions. Do you bring all guns to bear on the closest enemy warship, or do you sail into position for a furious broadside? What happens when the warship catches fire, or worse, the powder kegs ignite? Exactly how much punishment can your warship take before it sinks without a trace? Are those Undead seagulls or flying piranha fish? And, when all else fails, do you have the courage to ram your foe, board their ship, and engage them in a duel to the death?
- Dreadfleet