Die Legenden von Andor: Die Wunschbrunnen (the wishing wells) – first released at Spiel 2013 in Essen, Germany – is a single card expansion for Legends of Andor that can be used with Legend "Ära des Sternenschilds"
When a hero being on a field with a well instead of emptying it, disposes it on one of the open placement areas on the back of this card, the according wish is instantly fulfilled once. The well cannot be used for the rest of the game anymore.
1. When a hero places a well here, the wolves only have double the strength value of the hero. This also applies for the alpha wolf.
2. When a hero places a well here, Varkur only has 6 strength instead of 10.
3. When a hero places a well here, all gifts of the Andori are instantly refreshed once.
4. When a hero places a well here, he may remove one creature or a boulders token from a golden shield at the castle.
- Die Legenden von Andor: Die Wunschbrunnen
- De Legenden van Andor: De Wensput
- Las Leyendas de Andor: Los pozos de los deseos
- アンドールの伝説:願いの井戸