Fatta mezza partita ad Essen e devo dire che mi è sembrato davvero un titolo valido. Peccato per i materiali che sono proprio bruttini...
Day & Night is a strategic board game where two players duel with asymmetric decks. The many spells and strategies make every game different than the other and exciting until the very last turn. Day & Night is beautifully illustrated with over 40 illustrations, specially created for this game by fantasy artist Eerin Vink.
Plan your actions and anticipate on the actions of your opponent; combine spells, use them at the right time and make sure your pawn is located at the right place on the board. Day & Night is a challenge for everyone who likes strategic board games!
In Day & Night, two players duel as Lady Day and Lady Night. The board has 44 squares which can be filled with tiles of either Day or Night. By getting enough of your tiles next to each other, you can build a temple. You win the game when you've built two temples.
Tiles are placed by playing cards (Spells and Miracles) from your deck (Book of Spells). Both players have different deck with a different theme ("Mystify" for Lady Day and "Crystallize" for Lady Night). The deck have different abilities, and the both characters have their own style of play.
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