La scritta Caylus mi aveva invogliato all'acquisto. Ma una volta messo sul tavolo ha preso la via della casa di qualcun altro alla velocità della luce.
The general theme and mechanics of Caylus Magna Carta are similar to the Caylus board game. However, there is no board or score track and the tactical nuts and bolts of the game are somewhat different. In terms of components, the game consists of cards, money, worker pawns, resource markers, the provost, and castle building stones. Each player has a set of identical cards, which are shuffled and used as a face-down draw deck. Players start with an opening random draw of cards, and on his turn a player can either:
extend the road by building a new building
pay 1 to draw a new building card
pay 1 to discard his hand and draw a fresh hand (with the discard deck being shuffled for a new draw deck once the draw deck is exhausted)
pay 1 to place a worker on one of the existing building cards
build one of the common prestige building cards (some of which are placed at the beginning of the game as part of the setup) or
Once everyone has passed, the cards are resolved up to the provost (which can be moved in passing order by paying money).
Ownership of the non-common buildings is shown by the card color. When a worker is placed on a card, the owner earns either resources or money as a reward instead of victory points. Players may also choose to help build the castle. Starting with the first player to have passed, players can pay resources to obtain castle stones. The stones are worth three different values (2-4 points). Players collect the most valuable ones first. In addition, the player who collects the most building stones each round is rewarded with a gold resource marker.
From round to round, 1st player privileges rotate to the left, and the provost starts two cards further down the path from the castle.
The winner of the game is the player who has accumulated the most victory points once the game end has been triggered the turn the castle is finished. Victory points are awarded for castle stones, cards built, and resources and money in hand at the end of the game.
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Secondo me rende al meglio in due: in questo è anche più godibile (in quanto più snello) del suo "fratellino maggiore". Se potete acquistatelo dai siti germanici, costa di meno e tanto è completamente indipendente dalla lingua. Il voto reale sarebbe tra il 7,5 e l'8.
Visto che ora ne ho la possbilità, gli metto il voto reale :D
Adoro, stravedo, amo Caylus... ma questa versione spoglia, alleggerita, clonata, , come anche scritto da qualcuno : monca, proprio non mi ha convinto.
Forse perchè l'ho giocato in due ma posso confermare che preferirei giocare 100 volte a Caylus piuttosto che a questo sottotitolo... forse sono troppo innamorato del babbo per apprezzare questo figlioccio che non riesce a rendersi simpatico ai miei occhi. Secondo me è una versione veloce e sbrigativa di un capolavoro. E mettersi a giocare ad un bignami di un capolavoro proprio no!
Lo guardereste voi il Signore degli anelli in una versione di 30 minuti...?
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