The Flying Roots expansion includes 40 Cards and 6 Flying Roots figures. This add-on’s effects are tied directly to the Action Deck. When you begin a game including The Flying Roots, you add the Flying Roots cards to the action deck. When a Flying Root figure is on your Terrain card, if you draw one of these cards whilst attempting to resolve an action, you will include the effects coming from these cards.
- The 7th Continent: The Flying Roots
- The 7th Continent: Die fliegenden Wurzeln
- The 7th Continent: Les Racines Volantes
Voti e commenti per The 7th Continent: The Flying Roots
Gameplay add-on legato direttamente all'Action Deck. Quando inizi una partita che include The Flying Roots, aggiungi le carte Flying Roots al mazzo azione. Quando una Radice Volante apparirà sulla tua carta Terreno dovrai ricercarli e osservarli per scoprire cosa nascondono.
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