Zombie Dice 3: School Bus, an expansion for Zombie Dice, adds a 12-sided die to the game that's rich with tasty teenage brains, jam-packed with nutritiousness from all their time at school — but those kids are packing shotguns, too, so you might find yourself chowing down on a brain bullet, chasing runners off the bus, getting run over the bus(!), or finding yourself on the receiving end of multiple shotguns.
- Zombie Dice 3: School Bus
- Dados Zombie 3: Autobús Escolar
- Zombie Dice 3: le bus scolaire
- Zombie Dice 3: Ônibus Escolar
- Zombie Würfel 3: Schulbus
Voti e commenti per Zombie Dice 3: School Bus
Imperdibile il dadone scuolabus che arrota gli zombie.....aumenta enormemente la longevita' del gioco base, ma anche lo complica un po' di piu'.
Espansione carina x ZD che aggiunge l'elemento dello scuolabus con dado dedicato e segnalini.
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