Originale e dal flusso di gioco relativamente semplice.
Set in ancient Mesopotamia, a cradle of civilization, at a time when the location of Ur was a coastal region, players work to build the Great City of Ur, expand its districts, and establish themselves as powerful builders. Tabannusi: Builders of Ur features a stunning board showing the city of Ur divided into 5 regions, each tied to a specific color die. There are 3 building districts, 1 temple district, and 1 port district. Each turn, your worker will activate one of these districts. When activating a district, you must first take a die from the district. This die matches the color of the district and serves two functions: 1) The die itself becomes a resource of its color. 2) The value of the die determines which district your worker will activate on the following turn. Through various actions you will be able to expand your influence in the various districts, expanding construction sites and turning them into buildings to score valuable victory points. But you will also exert your influence in the temple district in order to earn the king's favor. In the port district you can obtain ships with important abilities and for scoring victory points. You must spend your actions wisely and always make sure that you keep an eye on the general timing of the game. The moment a district is emptied of dice, a scoring will occur. —description from publisher
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Un grandissimo eurogame molto originale nel dover pensare fuori dagli schemi classici per far funzionare il nostro motore di gioco, un gioco dove interagire con gli avversari è vitale, fare un progetto per vederlo costruire da un avversario è spesso dolceamaro, un autentica perla
Tra l'altro bellissimo il tabellone di gioco
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