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This is Wizards of the Coast's Star Wars Miniatures game, similar to their D&D Miniatures offerings. Each figure is pre-painted and comes with a stats card.
Squads are point-based and are usually formed around one of nine factions. Games are character-based skirmishes played on a square grid.
Not to be confused with West End Games' older Star Wars Miniatures Battles or Wizards of the Coast's starhip offering: Star Wars Miniatures: Starship Battles.
Rebel Storm (standard 60 piece set - initial set)
Clone Strike (standard 60 piece set)
Revenge of the Sith (standard 60 piece set)
Universe (standard 60 piece set - includes huge figures)
AT-AT Imperial Walker Colossal Pack (special pack for scenario play)
Attack On Endor (scenario pack with 4 pieces)
Champions of the Force (standard 60 piece set)
Bounty Hunters (standard 60 piece set - includes huge figures)
Alliance and Empire (standard 60 piece set)
Rebels and Imperials (24 piece set - all reprints from previous sets, released in packs of 2 figures each)
The Force Unleashed (standard 60 piece set - includes huge figures)
The Battle of Hoth (Target Exclusive) (scenario pack with 17 pieces)
Legacy of the Force (standad 60 piece set)
Knights of the Old Republic (standard 60 piece set)
The Clone Wars Starter Set (scenario pack with 6 pieces)
The Clone Wars (standard 40 piece set)
Clone Wars Battles Scenario Pack (Target Exclusive) (scenario pack with 10 pieces)
Imperial Entanglements (standard 40 piece set)
Map Packs x3 (three scenario packs with 2 pieces each)
Jedi Academy (standard 40 piece set)
Galaxy at War (standard 40 piece set)
Dark Times (standard 40 piece set)
Masters of the Force (standard 40 piece set)