buona espansione che rende un po' più difficile, ma ancora più fortunoso, il gioco base.
From DOW blog
Merlin’s Company is a new expansion for the popular Shadows over Camelot board game. It introduces a host of new characters - including 7 new knights and Merlin himself - to the Shadows over Camelot epic. The wise old wizard is now a full-blown independent character in the game, complete with his own figure. He travels the board lending guidance and a helping hand to the embattled knights.
Merlin’s Company also introduces 63 new cards: the all new Travel cards - events that may occur as you move from Quest to Quest; additional Black cards, including 7 witches allied with Morgan; and additional White cards that will help you and your fellow knights in your battles against the forces of evil.
The Merlin’s Company expansion supports up to 8 players, including 2 possible Traitors, assuring that even the most innocuous Shadows over Camelot Quest will be filled with grave peril.
Evenings at the Round Table have never been more exciting than with Merlin’s Company - the new expansion for Shadows over Camelot!
Shadows over Camelot
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