Revealing the terrible artist in all of us, players in Scrawl start off with a loaded phrase, doodle it, then pass it on. By the time your masterpiece of an "OAP Conga Line" passes through your friends' weird minds and wonky pens — and makes it back to you — things will have gone horribly wrong. Points are awarded for the most disastrous doodles and godawful guesses. Most grins wins. (Commercial reimplementation of the folk game Eat Poop You Cat.)
- Scrawl
- Sauklaue
Voti e commenti per Scrawl
E' sostanzialmente il Telestrations ( di un altro editore, carte diverse, invece dei blocchetti con rilegatura a spirale ha dei fogli lucidi volanti da tenere con le clip, soluzione che ha vantaggi e svantaggi.
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