New scenario for Robinson Crusoe consisting of two sheets of paper - traditional scenario and printed like a newspaper from late XIX century (A3 format) with new mechanic based on branching-plot novels. Also includes special Invention Card "Livingstone's Cross".
It's 1871. A few years back the famous scientist, David Livingstone, and the members of his expedition, got lost in the heart of Africa. After six years, people in the civilized world receive a letter from the scientist. He's broken, seriously ill and he says goodbye to the world.
A rescue mission is organized immediately. The scienist has to be found and rescued. It's your assignment!
- Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – "Tracing Doctor Livingstone" Scenario
- Robinson Crusoe: Abenteuer auf der verfluchten Insel – Wo ist Dr. Livingstone?
- Robinson Crusoe: Przygoda na Przeklętej Wyspie – Śladami doktora Livingstone'a