Idea simpatica (?) e belle illustrazioni per un gioco assai deludente. Non basta il tema piccante e volgarotto a tenere in piedi la partita e la scarsa quantità di... ehm... signorine disponibili, nonché il loro grande sbilanciamento rendono la partita noiosa e poco divertente. Ok per una serata un tantino goliardica, ma l'acquisto è altamente sconsigliato.
From the publisher:
Forget growing up to be a fireman, cop or doctor. Join the profession so highly regarded for its virtues — become a pimp! Mack some ho’s and put them to work. Make the biggest roll of dough and be declared the Mack-Daddy. Just watch out for other pimps as they try to put a beatdown on you and your ho’s. A ho in the hospital don’t earn you no dough!
I’m Your Mack Daddy Now
Pimp is a hilarious, stand-alone card game for two to four mature players. Rev up the chrome-caddy, dust off the purple suit and fedora, and make yourself some dough with the world’s oldest profession. 100 cards plus rules sheet.
White Wolf Publishing (White Wolf) ISBN: 1-58846-624-8 Stock #: 5140
Enough strategy and variety to offer great repeat play value…
But not so complex that you can’t play after too many beers or too few pretzels
If you like being politically correct and never laughing, don’t buy this game
A fast-playing, yet high-strategy game, ideal for after-hours game-nights
Suggested for mature players.
- Pimp: The Backhanding