From the box:
An exciting game about the fortunes of oil: From 2 to 7 players compete for the thrills of being an oil tycoon.
The object of the game [is] to acquire concessions in the petroleum producing countries, control them and operate them. The player who obtains the largest number of petrodollars is the winner of the game.
This "roll the die and move" game is strongly reminiscent of Monopoly, with petrol-producing countries replacing the streets, telex messages replacing "Chance" cards, and oil platforms and derricks replacing houses and hotels. Visually, it is a stunning game, with beautifully crafted components.
1 board
27 concession titles
25 telex messages
7 playing markers
2 dice
34 derricks
14 oil platforms
390 petrodollar bills.
(The Dutch HEMA edition comes with 30 derricks, 12 platforms and 430 bills. According to the Dutch rulebook the game is designed for 3-7 players.)
- Petropolis
- Petropoli
- Petrópolis
Voti e commenti per Petropolis
Fortemente ispirato al classico Monopoli, è un gioco fluido, semplice e dalle dinamiche imprenditoriali classiche. Per passare un'oretta in serena competizione a suon di petroldollari....
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Penso proprio che non ci giocherò mai più!
Ma si può ma creare un gioco in cui alla fine hai meno punti di quanti ne avevi all'inizio? Basterebbe stare fermo e non fare nulla! Peccato, l'idea di fondo non era malvagia. Case editrici: provate i giochi prima di lanciarli sul mercato!
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