Mint Works is a light and straightforward worker placement game. Its compact size makes it easy to put in your pocket and take it anywhere. Its simple rules make it easy to introduce new players to the genre of worker placement. During the game each player will have a limited amount of Mint Tokens, which represent their workers. Players will use these mint tokens to earn more tokens, take first player or buy and build plans. Plans are how players earn points. Some plans will give only points, others will give extra powers to the owner. Once any player has at least 7 points earned (or if there are not enough plans to refill the stock) the end of the game is triggered. The game will then be over at the end of the current round. Whoever has the most points provided by plans they have built wins!
- Mint Works
- ミントワークス 日本語版
- 薄荷工厂
Voti e commenti per Mint Works
Un piazzamento lavoratori compatto e molto portatile, adatto come introduttivo alla meccanica. Può peccare di longevità
il gioco è fatto bene, ma non mi ha preso. Avrei dato 6,5 ma visto che è ben fatto sono arrivata a 7. Serena
Provato solo in solitario. Partite vinte spesso con pochissimo margine rispetto al BOT.
Esteticamente fantastico a partire dalla scatola in metallo.
A dispetto delle dimensioni il gioco è coinvolgente e con una buona rigiocabilità.
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