It's the hilarious headline card game! This game is a little different: you're dealt a hand of cards with words on them, each with a point value. When it's your turn, construct the headline that earns the highest points... and often the biggest laughs! The first player to get to 500 points wins. If more than one player earns 500 points when the hand's points are totaled, the highest score wins.
Each round, players are dealt 5 cards. They may discard and replace up to 3 three of them, and then each one makes a sensible headline with the cards in their hand. The value of the headline is doubled for anyone using an "Exclusive" card. The first player to reach 500 points is declared the winner.
- Man Bites Dog
Voti e commenti per Man Bites Dog
Il gioco non funziona, sostanzialmente quasi tutto quello che ti entra in mano funziona per fare i titoli (che diventano ripetitivi e poco divertenti dopo poco), e il gioco si riduce a chi pesca le carte dal valore piu' alto tipo poker.
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