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From the publisher's website:
"The night is setting in slowly on the city, but not all of its inhabitants are asleep. Under cover of darkness, several scoundrels are on their way to perform their big heist tonight
You are playing the role of one of these scoundrels on the hunt for gold and art treasures. Careful planning will let you make the big haul, but be sure not to miss the right moment to cash in your swag at a fence!
Rules summary:
The players place their Scoundrel tokens at five locations on the central board, which are then resolved in the following order:
1 - City: Receive Tool cards required for the break-ins
2 - Villa: Receive Loot cards if you meet the tool requirements
3 - Ruin: Swap Tool cards from your hand with the draw pile.
4 - Museum: Receive Loot cards if you meet the tool requirements
5 - Harbor: Sell loot to the fence to gain gold (victory points)
The first player to earn 20+ gold wins.
The game is announced for release at Essen Spiel 2009.
Online Play
Yucata (turn-based)
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