Titolo che coniuga molte meccaniche (maggioranze, piazzamento lavoratori, votazioni) offrendo un amalgama decisamente originale.
From the designer of Glen More comes a new title published by Queen Games: Lancaster.
In 1413, the new king of England, Henry V of Lancaster, has ambitious plans: The unification of England and the conquest of the French crown! Each player takes the role of an ambitious aristocratic family. Who will be the best supporter of this young king, and the most powerful Lord of his time?
In Lancaster the players want to proceed from simply being a Lord to the most powerful ally of the king. They may achieve this by developing their own knighthood as well as by clever deployment of individual knights in the counties of England, at their own castle, and to conflicts with France. In parliament, they try to push laws from which they will benefit themselves most. The player with the most power points at the end of the game is the winner.
Every turn, players send their knights to the different locations:
• Counties, where they compete with knights from other players for rewards and the favor of the nobles.
• The castle, to receive income or new knights.
• Into conflict with France, where all players combine their power and try to gain power points.
In the counties the strength of the knights is important as you can remove the knight of another player by placing a knight of your own with higher strength in the same location.
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Più ci gioco e più mi piace! Le sue dinamiche di gioco sono aderenti all'ambientazione e piuttosto varie. L'interazione è molto alta, e il gioco, considerata la sua breve durata, è piuttosto profondo. I materiali sono molto buoni... L'unica pecca in effetti consiste in un regolamento poco chiaro.
Titolo abbastanza valido, strategico quanto basta, ma anche molto tattico.
Interazione molto alta, sia nel posizionamento che nella scelta delle leggi tramite le votazioni.
Durata contenuta, sotto l'ora in 4, le regole vengono assimilate facilmente e mantiene comunque una certa profondità di gioco.
Scalibilità: provato solo in 3/4 giocatori e devo dire che funziona bene, chiaramente in 4 aumenta la competizione.
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