Il voto del prode Sir Alric è 7: merita considerazione e la dovuta attenzione
Game description from the publisher:
Don't expect to lie around the sun, lazily sipping cocktails and passively watching hula dancers, because the tactical game Hawaii is not a paradise for idlers, but rather for bold, active strategists. Restlessly, they'll move their pieces on the game board, facing constant challenges in terms of making their beautiful villages on this beautiful island as profitable as possible. Only those who will be able to use their dwindling resources to meet the increasing demands over five rounds will find a spot for themselves on the beach.
In Hawaii, players must make use of their limited resources to score points by growing their villages and exploring the surrounding islands. Your chieftains move around the board to purchase new tiles for their villages, hopefully grabbing the best deals before their opponents. Three different currencies are used to pay for these trips, so make sure you don't run out of any of them too quickly. Players are also rewarded for providing for their people (measured essentially by how much they bought on a given turn), but your meager income shrinks as the game goes on. Players will have to balance a number of ways to score points to secure their victory.
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Nel suo genere un gioco davvero ottimo. Semplice nelle regole ma affatto banale da giocare bene. Divertente, di durata contenuta e con bei materiali. Occorre capire sin dalla prima mossa come impostare la partita e poi ottimizzare ogni turno ed ogni occasione. Peccato per il setup molto lungo. Sarebbe 8,5 ma arrotondo per difetto proprio a causa del setup noioso e lungo anche fra un turno e l'altro.
Un bellissimo gioco che si apprezza di più dopo qualche partita... o meglio quando si comincia a ragionarci bene sopra e sviluppare le giuste strategie.
Molto vario, ogni partita è diversa... il setup è lunghetto però se si tengono tutti i pezzi ben disposti e in ordine con l'aiuto di bustine e scatoline si fa reletivamente presto.
Consigliatissimo :-)
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