The fantasy world of Graxia is a shattered world of floating continents high in the sky. Each continent is connected by portals, the primary gateways between city-states that reside on these continents. Warlords command Guardians to lead armies through the portals on quests to conquer and control each other's lands.
The many continents are filled with races of all types, from Orcs, Goblins, Dwarves, Skeletons, Elves, Humans, as well as new races, such as the Celethreals and Boneshadows. While once in harmony with each other, the peace of the countryside has since been destroyed as portals open with armies pouring in from unknown continents.
What Guardians will protect your lands?
Guardians of Graxia will be released this summer as both a board game and a PC online-downloadable version. The game features dynamic strategic gameplay using more than 240 unique and spell cards, figurines, and map tiles in a fantasy-based environment. Heroes of Graxia is being released at the same time and is a Deck-Building Card Game version of the Graxia world.
Guardians of Graxia will support both single and multiplayer gameplay as well.
- Guardians of Graxia
Voti e commenti per Guardians of Graxia
Questo gioco ha una forte ambientazione (deriva da un videogame per pc, se ben ricordo) ma a me non è piaciuto moltissimo.
Le regole mi sono sembrate confuse, in qualche modo adattate forzatamente, ed il fatto che io le abbia dovute consultare più volte durante le partite non mi ha aiutato ad apprezzare l'esperienza ludica di questo titolo.
Belle le carte e tutto il materiale grafico, con illustrazioni riuscitissime; però le miniature sono assai fragili e non molto riuscite.
Perché il mio voto è un 6? Per ora, si tratta solo di un titolo che tengo in collezione.
Mi ripropongo di rivedere il mio giudizio qualora le prossime partite mi facessero cambiare idea......
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