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The quick-playing reaction game Geisterblitz takes on new shape — and includes new shapes! — in Geistesblitz 5 vor 12.
In the original game, five wooden items sit on the table waiting to be caught — a white ghost, a green bottle, a cute grey mouse, a blue book, and a comfortable red chair — and the item to be grabbed depends on what's shown on the card revealed that round. Geistesblitz 5 vor 12 increases the challenge by including nine objects in five colors. Each round, a player reveals a card that shows three of these objects, and the player who grabs the object that has neither the same shape nor color appearing on the picture keeps the card — unless, that is:
An object on the card is in its original color, in which case you must grab this object.
And if an owl appears in the picture, you must name the object instead of grabbing it.
And if the ghost appears with a clock, you must give the time on the clock instead of doing anything else.
And if the magic mirror shows up, none of the other rules apply and you just need to grab whichever object is reflected by the mirror!
When the card deck runs out, whoever has collected the most cards wins.
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