Una volta apprese bene le potenzialità dei diversi animali diventa appagante quando pianifichi 2/3 mosse consecutive per chiudere e l'avversario cade nella trappola 😂
"Tira fuori una lattina!"
In Forgenesis, you want to land on the opponent's base or make them unable to play. To set up, each player takes their six creature tokens, then they remove the same two types of tokens from play. Place the 4x4 game board with the corner of your color toward you. Choose a start player, who places one of their creatures with its active side up on one of the summoning spaces next to their corner; the other player then places one of their creatures on one of their summoning spaces. On a turn, activate any number of your active creatures on the board by either (1) moving them one space orthogonally toward the opponent's corner or (2) using their unique ability, after which you flip the token to its resting side. The frog jumps an orthogonally adjacent token, the firefly pulls a creature in the same orthogonal line adjacent to the firefly, the beetle pushes an orthogonally adjacent token one space, and so on. If a token leaves the board, it's permanently removed from play. To end your turn, you can summon a creature from your reserve onto an empty summoning space of your color. Instead of activating creatures, you can spend your turn flipping all of your resting animals to their active side. If you move one of your creatures onto the opponent's corner, you win. If you cannot activate a creature while also having no resting creatures, you lose.
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