Domain is a simple game played on a 9x9 square grid. Players take turn placing coloured plastic pieces onto the board. The pieces have different areas and shapes. The aim of the game is to have the largest area at the end of the game.
When pieces are placed, they may cause adjacent pieces on the board to flip over, depending on the variant played. In one variant, only the opponent's pieces are turned over. In another, all adjacent pieces are turned over. In yet another variant, the pieces are divided up equally before starting, instead of players drawing from a standard pool.
Game consists of rules, a 9x9 board and 26 plastic pieces, coloured on both sides.
Online Play known as Phlip there; (real-time, AI option)
- Domain
- 2001: The space age game
- Boomerang
- Camaleão
- Chameleon
- Contrataque
- Kiss
Voti e commenti per Domain
Longevità 2
Regolamento 1
Divertimento 2
Materiali 0
Originalità 1
Il solito enrta in un dungeon ruba e scappa ( la versione povera di dungeonquest )
Un classico fantasy dove si entra in un dungeon, si ruba il tesoro e si scappa dal cattivo di turno (un mago). Qualche idea carina c'è ma il gioco non risulta essere ben bilanciato, alcune regole hanno poco senso, forse non è stato adeguatamente testato prima di metterlo in commercio. Scomodissime da gestire le tesserine.
Carino. Come tutti i giochi di labirinto tende a ripetersi.
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