Gioco meccanicamente noioso, tema da sbadigli.
Welcome to Dog Park, a mid-weight, competitive set-collection and point-to-point movement game in which players take on the role of dog walkers who recruit, walk, and care for their dogs over four rounds. Each round is split into four phases: Recruitment Phase: Players compete in two rounds of offers to add dogs to their kennels. Offers are made with players' reputation (victory points), so must be placed wisely. Selection Phase: Players decide which dogs to place on their lead to walk this round. Walking Phase: Players journey through the dog park with their fellow walkers, collecting resources, earning reputation, and interacting with other walkers. Home Time Phase: Players earn reputation for their walked dogs, and lose reputation for any unwalked dogs in their kennel. Players must choose their routes and dogs carefully to earn the best reputation and prove they are the most accomplished walker of them all. At the end of the game, the player with the most reputation wins. —description from the publisher
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Carina la grafica ma oltre a questo poco. Filler semplice, regole estremamente banali, alcune anche imbarazzanti da quanto sono semplici..per un gioco che funziona si ma.. è un po' a caso e troppo troppo semplice.. meccaniche già riviste e totalmente semplificate.. è noioso , adatto per neofiti e ragazzini di 12/14 anni massimo, se più grandi iniziano già ad annoiarsi..
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