Divertente e dai bei componenti, questo gioco mi ha saputo regalare qualche emozione simile a quelle che il calcio vero sa regalare. E' ben fatto, ma ritengo che bastava poco per renderlo più simulativo ed appagante. Forse il miglior gioco sul calcio che abbia mai provato.
Calciotto is a football-themed board game with eight footballers on each team. Organize your team according to your tactical choices placing on the field the best players to try to win the match! Exploit the football player's strength or his quickness and help yourself through the calciotto cards to defeat the adversary! Try to understand your adversary's tactics contrasting it even with proper replacements. So with "CALCIOTTO zonAction" you can play as a football player or as a trainer.
- Calciotto
- zonAction