Dadi a non finire. Tante risate al tavolo
Bomber is a simple card game that allows two players from 6 years of age to play a football game in less than fifteen minutes! Before the game each player chooses their own team and decides the eleven players to be sent on the field; then shuffles their cards together with those of the opponent, in a single deck. The cards that will be revealed will indicate the player in possession of the ball, who may decide to roll on goal or build the attacking action to have better chance of scoring. But be careful, because an opponent’s goal or the players' skills could upset your tactics! With its simple and suitable for everyone rules, the game time, which allows you to play more games one after another, and its packaging easy to carry, Bomber is the game that will allow you to take away the desire for football at all times and in every place. Bomber - Insuperabili Edition is designed in collaboration with Insuperabili Onlus, a project born in 2012 from the idea of creating a football school for boys and girls with physical-motor, cognitive and affective-relational, emotional and behavioral disabilities.
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