Un dice-building astuto e divertente. I componenti sono adeguati, e mi diverte sempre giocarlo. Molto consigliato ai giocatori amanti della gestione dei dadi. Peccato per il tema non proprio interessante per molti.
Description from publisher:
By cleverly combining the three colored dice with the values on the cards, you take part in building zeppelins and finally the famous Hindenburg.
Renè from spielbox.de:
"Giganten der Lüfte (working-title "Zeppelin") is a very tactical dice-game. You need mechanics, engines, and workshops.... Only the player with the best combination of those will successfully take part in building the Hindenburg."
Giganten der Lüfte is not comparable to Lucky Loop or Alhambra - the dice game.
It is comparable to games like Kingsburg and To Court the King, where you use the dice as a form of resources to manage, as well as a method of purchasing other resources.
Artwork by Jo Hartwig.
- Airships
- Des géants dans le ciel
- Giganci przestworzy
- Giganten der Lüfte
- Giganten in de lucht
- Gigantes de los aires
- Giganti dell' aria
- Vzducholodě