Assegnati gli Origin Awards

I nominati e i vincitori dei premi dell'Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design

Come ogni anno si è tenuto a Columbus, Ohio, l'Origins International Game Expo e, come ogni anno, l'Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design ha assegnato gli Origins Award ai migliori prodotti del 2004.

Di seguito il vincitore per ogni categoria, seguito dalla lista delle nomination:


I nominati e i vincitori dei premi dell'Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design

Come ogni anno si è tenuto a Columbus, Ohio, l'Origins International Game Expo e, come ogni anno, l'Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design ha assegnato gli Origins Award ai migliori prodotti del 2004.

Di seguito il vincitore per ogni categoria, seguito dalla lista delle nomination:

Best Play-By-Mail Game<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Enlightened Age Entertainment

Fall of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Rome

Fall of Rome - Published by Enlightened Age Entertainment, Designed by Rick McDowell, Lead Software Engineer: Fletcher Dunn

Imperial Wars - Published by Intelligent Life Games, Game Design: Larry Dunlap, Lead Programmer: Mike Kienenberger, Art Director: Bruce Dean, Composer: Nick Palmer

Legends - Published by Harlequin Games, Credited to Jim Landes

Medieval Warlords - Published by Ancient Guardian Enterprises, Designer and Software Developer: Andrew Lloyd

Middle Earth PBM - Battle of the Five Armies - Published by Game System, Inc. Owners: Clint Oldridge and Sam Roads 

Best Historical Board Game

Sword of Rome 

Axis and Allies D-Day- Published by Avalon Hill, Designer: Larry Harris, Lead Developer: Mike Selinker

Gettysburg: Badges of Courage - Published by Columbia Games, Credited to Grand Dalgliesh and Tom Dalgliesh

Memoir '44 - Published by Days of Wonder, Author: Richard Borg, Illustrations: Julien Delval, Graphic Design: Cyrille Daujean

Soldier Raj - Published by Avalanche Press, Credited to Rob Markham

Sword of Rome - Published by GMT Games LLC, Designer: Wray Ferrell, Developers: Volko Ruhnke and Brad Johnson, Art Director: Rodger MacGowan, Map Art: Mark Simonitch, Counters: Rodger B. MacGowan and Mark Simonitch

Best Historical Miniatures Line

Brigade Games

WWI: Western Front 28 mm


10 mm Ancients Line - Manufactured by Old Glory Miniatures, Credited to Andy Cooper

10 mm American War of Independence - Manufactured by Old Dominion Gameworks, Producer: Jon Coulter, Sculptor: Rodrick Campbell

15 mm Crimean War Range - Manufactured by GFI/Minifigs Credited to David Higgs, Ton Dye, Ted Clingan, and Ryan

Birth of the Broadside Range - Manufactured by Merrimack, Credited to Joel Gregory

WWI: Western Front 28 mm - Manufactured by Brigade Games, Credited to Lon Weiss, Sculptor: Michael Owen

Best Historical Miniatures Game

Clash of Arms Games

Dawn of the Rising Sun:

The Russo Japanese War 1904-1905 

Desert Rats - British in the Desert - Published by Battlefront, Credited to Phil Yates

Fire As She Bears! 2.1 - Published by Starboard Tack Press, Design: Phil C. Fry and Michael R. Konwinski, Editing: Ed Coss, Graphics Layout: Matt Drake

Stalingrad - German and Soviet Infantry, City Fighting Rules - Published by Battlefront, Credited to Phil Yates

The Face of Modern Battle - Published by Gammazon, Credited to Michael Ball and Jennifer Buck

Dawn of the Rising Sun: The Russo Japanese War 1904-1905 - Published by Clash of Arms Games, Credited to Bill Madison, Chris Carlson, and Larry Bond

Best Board Game

Days of Wonder

Ticket To Ride

Betrayal at House on the Hill - Published by Avalon Hill, Designers: Bruce Glassco with Rob Daviau, Development Leads: Mike Selinker, Bill McQuillan, and Teeuwynn Woodruff

Bootleggers - Published by Eagle Games, Credited to Steve Gross, Don Beyer, and Ray Eifler

Dos Rios: Valley of Two Rivers - Published by Mayfair Games, Inc. Designer: Franz-Benno DeLonge, Graphics: Franz Vohwinkel

Ticket To Ride - Published by Days of Wonder, Author: Alan R. Moon, Illustrations: Julien Deval, Graphic Design: Cyrille Daujean

War of the Ring - Published by Fantasy Flight, Credited to Francesco Nepitello, Marco Maggi, and Roberto Di Meglio

Best Miniatures Game

Ad Astra Games

Attack Vector: Tactical 

A Call to Arms (Babylon 5) - Published by Mongoose Publishing, Credited to Matthew Sprange

Aetherverse: The Infinite Game of Miniature Battles - Published by Triskele Game Design Studios, Writer: Jason Lauborough

Attack Vector: Tactical - Published by Ad Astra Games, Game Design: Ken Burnside, Eric Finley, and Tony Valle, Art: Charles Oines and Stephen Rider

Nin-Gonost - Published by Fantastic Forges, Inc. Credited to Alain Henner and Arnaud Borne

Rippers - Published by Great White Games, Credited to Shane Lacy Hensley

Best Miniature Line

Dark Sword Miniatures, Inc.

Elmore Dragons

Elmore Dragons - Manufactured by Dark Sword Miniatures, Inc. Artist: Larry Elmore, Sculptor: Dennis Mize

Komodon Command and Komodon Troopers - Manufactured by DragonRune Miniatures, Conception: Bob Rodgers, Concept Art: Gino Hasler, Jr. Sculpting: Sylvain Quirion

Lord of the Rings TMG Balrog - Manufactured by Sabertooth Games, Sculpter: Digger, founder of Art Asylum 3D, Design Manager: Zoe Wedderburn

Parkinson Masterworks - Manufactured by Dark Sword Miniatures, Inc. Artist: Keith Parkinson, Sculptor: Tom Meier

Parkinson Masterworks - Male Knight - Manufactured by Dark Sword Miniatures, Inc. Artist: Keith Parkinson, Sculptor: Tom Meier

Best Collectible Card Game

Z-Man Games, Inc.

Seven Masters Vs. The Underworld

Allegiance: War of Factions - Published by Lucid Raven, Development: Andrew Grierson, Additional Development: James Grierson, Lance W. Card, J.T. Kauffman 

Duel Masters Trading Card Game - Published by Wizards of the Coast, Original Game Design: Mike Elliott, Game Design and Development: Charlie Catino (lead), Tyler Bielman, Mike Elliott, Andrew Finch, and Mark Rosewater

Seven Masters Vs. The Underworld - Published by Z-Man Games, Inc. Designed by David Eber, Julian Lighton, and Zev Shlasinger

Spycraft Collectible Card Game - Published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Credited to Dave Williams, Michael Mullins, and Justin Walsh

Vs. System - Marvel Origins and X-Men vs. the Brotherhood* - Published by The Upper Deck Company, Credited to Mike Hummel, Matt Hyra, Danny Mandel, and Edward Fear (DC Comics TCG/Marvel TCG)

WarCry: Death and Honor - Published by Sabertooth Games, Lead Designer/Head of Product Development: Erik-Jason Yaple, STG Design Team: Seth Morrigan and David Freeman

Best Traditional Card Game

Atlas Games

Cthulhu 500

Camelot Legends - Published by Z-Man Games, Inc. Designer: Andrew Parks

Cthulhu 500 - Published by Atlas Games, Credited to Jeff Tidball and Scott Reeves

HEX HEX - Published by Smirk&Dagger Games, Credited to Curt Covert

Space Shuffle - Published by Playroom Entertainment, Inventor: Chris Baylis, Artist: Elisa Anya Jaeger/Design Edge, Inc.

Station Master - Published by Mayfair Games, Inc. Designer: Chris Bayliss, Graphics: Drew Perkett

Best Role Playing Game

Atlas Games

Ars Magica: 5th Edition

Ars Magica: 5th Edition - Published by Atlas Games, Credited to David Chart, Jonathan Tweet, and Mark Rein-Hagen

Dungeons and Dragons Basic Game - Published by Wizards of the Coast, Credited to Jonathan Tweet

GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition - Published by Steve Jackson Games, Authors: Steve Jackson, Sean Punch, and David Pulver

The Authority Roleplaying Game and Resource Book - Published by Guardians of Order, Credited to Jesse Scoble, John Chambers, John Snead and Matt Forbeck

World of Darkness Storytelling System Rulebook - Published by White Wolf, Credited to Bill Bridges, Rick Chillot, Ken Cliffe, and Mike Lee

Best Role Playing Game Supplement

Wizards of the Coast

Eberron Campaign Setting

Dark Champions - Published by Hero Games, Credited to Steven S. Long, Allen Thomas, Andy Mathews, and Storn Cook

Eberron Campaign Setting - Published by Wizards of the Coast, Credited to Keith Baker, Bil Slavicsek, and James Wyatt

GURPS Dragons - Published by Steve Jackson Games, Author: Phil Masters, Cover Art and Illustrator: Alex Fernandez, Additional Material: Jo Ramsay, Devin Ganger, and Brian Hogue

GURPS Fantasy - Published by Steve Jackson Games, Author: William H. Stoddard, Editors: Andrew Hackard and Jeff Rose

Unearthed Arcana - Published by Wizards of the Coast, Credited to Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan and Rich Redman

Vampire: The Requiem - Published by White Wolf, Developer: Justin Achilli, Writers: Ari Marmell, Dean Shomshak, C.A. Suleiman, Graphic Design/Art Direction: Pauline Benney

Best Fiction Publication

Guardians of Order

Path of the Bold

Knights of the Dinner Table - Published by Kenzer & Company, Credited to Jolly Blackburn, Brian Jelke, Steve Johansson, and David Kenzer

MechWarrior: Technology of Destruction - Published by WizKids, Inc. Development: Randall N. Bills, Photography: Jennifer Clark, Computer Design: Vic Bonilla, John Hudgens, Tom Peters, Mark Selander, Charles Oines, Todd Lubsen, and Vision Scape Interactive

Path of the Bold - Published by Guardians of Order, Editor: James Lowder

Secret of the Spiritkeeper - Published by Wizards of the Coast, Author: Matt Forbeck

The Rite - Published by Wizards of the Coast, Author: Richard Lee Byers

Best Non Fiction Publication

Steve Jackson Games

Pyramid Magazine

Dragon Magazine - Published by Paizo Publishing LLC, Editor-in-Chief: Erik Mona, Associate Editor: Jason Bulmahn, Assistant Editors: Mike McArtor and Wes Schneider, Art Director: Sean Glenn

Dungeon Magazine - Published by Paizo Publishing LLC, Editor-in-Chief: Erik Mona, Managing Editor: James Jacobs, Art Director: Sean Glenn, Associate Art Director: Mike Schley

Places To Go, People To Be - Published by Steve Darlington, Editors: Steve Darlington and Steve Dempsey

Pyramid Magazine - Published by Steve Jackson Games, Editor: Steven Marsh

Scrye: The Guide to Collectable Games - Published by Krause Publications, Editorial Director: John Jackson Miller, Editor: Joyce Greenholdt, Associate Editor: Ray Sidman, Price Guide Editor: Don Butler, News Editor: James Mishler, Graphic Designer: Shawn Williams.

The Excellent Prismatic Spray - Published by Pelgrane Press, Editor: Jim Webster

Best Game Accessory

Steve Jackson Games

Cardboard Heroes Castles 

Cardboard Heroes Castles - Published by Steve Jackson Games, Designer: John Hollis, Editor: Steve Jackson, Illustrator: Alex Fernandez

Cardboard Heroes Modern Characters - Published by Steve Jackson Games, Cover Art: Tom Biondolillo, Illustrators: Denis Loubet, Tom Biondolillo, and Jeff Dee

HackMaster Combat Wheel - Published by Kenzer & Company, Credited to Jolly Blackburn, Brian Jelke, Steve Johansson, and David Kenzer

Mage Cage - Published by Active Minds Solutions

The Card Coffin - Published by Cheese Weasel Logistics