Over a decade ago, the legendary superhero agency, "The Guardians," closed its doors, shaken by a political scandal of unparalleled magnitude. To this day, with its 60 million followers, no other superhero group has managed to captivate the masses in the same way. The disappearance of The Guardians left a vast void, an empty throne at the pinnacle of superhero glory, waiting for the one who can rekindle the flame of universal admiration. You, the ambitious director of a major Super agency, are determined to change that and inscribe your name and that of your agency in history. The race to surpass the mythical threshold of 60 million followers is on, and you're at the forefront, ready to take on the challenge. Your arsenal? A collection of Supers with unmatched talents, each proudly displaying the colors of their Alliance, demonstrating their power through the number of stars that glitter next to their name, and most importantly, possessing unique powers that, under certain conditions, can turn the tide of a mission. Every recruitment is a step closer to glory, every mission accomplished a chance to gain new followers. Completed missions will allow you to acquire various bonuses and precious resources to strengthen your agency. But the ultimate reward is not measured in material wealth; it's measured in millions of followers. The goal of the game? Attract 60 million followers as quickly as possible. How? By recruiting superheroes. Each hero has their color, their strength represented by stars, and a special power that can aid during missions. The missions themselves provide bonuses and, most importantly, can earn you millions of fans. It's a race against time to become the number one superhero agency. Every choice counts, and every second is precious. So, are you ready to take on the challenge and make history? —description from the publisher
- Super