The Legend Begins is an Operational level board-wargame simulating the war in Libya and Egypt during World War 2, with multiple scenarios and an overall Campaign game. The map covers North Africa from Alexandria to Marble Arch at 12km/hex. The 1st and 2nd edition (by Rhino Games, only available in ziplock) only cover 1941. The 3rd edition (by Terran Games, also known as the Deluxe edition), covers 1940-1942 with a much larger mix of scenarios and a 1940-42 campaign game. This is achieved in part by increasing the timescale so that a turn covers a longer period of time. Counters of all editions have the same layout and combat values but the movement values were changed in 3rd Ed to accommodate the different timescale. Every scenario can also be used as a starting point for the campaign game.
- The Legend Begins: North Africa, 1940-42
- The Legend Begins: The Afrika Korps 1941