Sistema di gioco nuovo rispetto a WarAngel. Meglio WarAngel!
Warbeast is first self-produced game created and illustrated by Angelo Porazzi in 1998.
The game is an alternative system of play of Warangel, 1st edition in Italy in 1996 as collectible issues.
Warbeast System is more suitable for multi-player and beginners, designed to be an easy and fast Family Game.
Warbeast Box includes the 4th Generation of Warangel, a rulebook split into 3 levels to allow children and beginners to easily approach this universe.
In the box you have a complete game compatible with Warangel, which includes nine warrior races plus the Warbeasts, which are deadly creatures that you may fight or control.
On 2006, with Warangel 10 Years Edition, 100 compatible warriors races are available and two systems of play: Warangel and Warbeast. Choose your race and the system you prefer and you'll experience fantastic matches with warriors and battlefields always new.
In Warangel 10 Years Edition find all adaptations and the pre-cut laminated counters of all these warriors as a bonus, exactly with the shape of standard Warangel counters.
Integrates with:
- Warbeast