Iro is a two-player strategy game. Your goal is to have one of your pieces reach the other side of board without being captured. Here is the catch - the movement of each of your pieces is dictated by the color combinations on top - and they are all different! Set up: Each player arranges 6 space tiles in a 3x2 grid in front of them. The row closest to the each player must have at least one of each color. Next, each player places 12 of their pieces on the two rows closest to them in any square they like, regardless of colors. The rest of the pieces are reserved. (see example on the right) Gameplay: Each players takes turns to perform one of two actions: Move – Select one of your pieces. Move that piece into a neighboring space whose color matches one of the three colors on top it. Once a color on that piece has been chosen, it may not be chosen again that turn. Therefore, you can move a piece up to 3 spaces per turn. You may move your piece into a square occupied by another of your own pieces, but you may not end your turn on it. If you move your piece into a square occupied by an opponent’s piece, remove your opponent’s piece and place it in their reserve. Doing this willend your turn. Swap – Select one of your pieces on the board. You may swap it with any piece from your reserve. Outwit your opponent by dismantling their defence, or sneak your way into their back row and win! Detailed Game rules: You may only move one piece per turn. Instead of moving you can swap one of your pieces on the board with one from your reserve, of any color, regardless if it matches the square that piece is on. Your turn ends immediately. Each piece may move in any direction: forward, backward, horizontal, or diagonal. A piece may ONLY move into a square whose color matches one of the 3 colors on top of that piece. Once a color on that piece has been used, it may not be used again that turn. Note: Each color on a piece may be used separately. If a piece has 2 red colors, it may move into 2 red squares during its turn, in any order. You may move into a square occupied by your own piece but may not end your turn on it. If you move onto a square occupied by an opponents piece, your turn ends immediately on their square and your opponents piece is placed back into their reserve. The game ends when a player moves a piece into the back row of their opponents side. The game also feature an endlessly configurable board that keep the game new and challenging. Playble on Tabletop Simulator ta... Prepurc...
- Iro