A player on one team gives clues to the rest of their team (possibly only 1 player) from a card that contains 10 words or phrases. If the player knows what the clue is, they throw a chip in a bin on the game board. Once the time is up, the 10 words have been clued, or the player elects to stop, they begin recalling the words that were clued from memory. Upon getting the word correct (with one guess at each one only), a chip is taken out of the bin and put down on the guesser's side of the board. If the clue is missed or if it is forgotten, the chip stays in the bin. Once the guessing is completed or the time runs out, the other team gets a chance to steal the chips that remain in the bin. If the remaining chips are not stolen, they go back to the guessing team. The object is to fill up your side of the board with correctly guessed or stolen chips.
- Rapid Recall